Glen & Kris

Well & Septic System

The well drilling rig is set up in front of the garage. A great shot of the drilling rig at sunrise. The well is 451 feet deep with water starting at 150 feet below the surface and produces 6.1 gallons per minute. (Photo credit Derek Best.) The well head is temporarily capped at the surface until the final grade is created in front of the garage. It will be inset below a well head manhole cover for access.  Two plastic tanks, one with two chambers, form the holding tank system. The stack of black plastic in the foreground is the half-dome pieces that are used in the leach field. Here are the two tanks partially buried just east of the house. They are slightly downhill and about 25 feet from the carport. This will provide easy access for pumping. Here is a close up of the buried tanks with their green access covers just visible. This is the trench for the septic system leach field. The material is very clean sand that has washed down from the rocks over the eons. Here is the leach field system installed. Graded sand has been used to backfill the trench, then a long pipe with sprinkler nozzles is suspended under each row of the half-dome plastic covers. This is the latest technology in drain fields and is replacing the perforated drain tile used in the past. The backfilled drain field is visible in the background about 250 feet from the house. [End of series. <a href='../../index.html'>Return</a> to the New House page.]</span>